How to best position your images to get your forms to convert better

How to best position your images to get your forms to convert better

I’m going to share something with you which I’m not sure if this tip is ridiculously obvious or profoundly insightful… 

Let’s look at how you can best direct a viewers attention to something you want them to take action on….

In this example we see the following options: 

1. Picture of a person looking away from form 

2. Picture of a person looking at the form 

3. An arrow pointing to the form.

Most, including myself, would have previously expected that a person looking at a form is the most captivating, but little did you know – the obvious & simple arrow has the highest conversions! 

Are you doing A/B testing on your conversion form?



Studies show that people are more drawn to images of people. 

From the time we are born, we gaze at faces more anything else. 

The magnetic power of people pictures is very useful in web design. But let’s go beyond just the face, & think about WHAT the faces are doing. 

What about the positioning of people’s faces? Well ,if you want to take it one step further, check out this study done in the image above.. 

The spots show the heat maps of where people looked in the study. When the baby looks at the camera, visitors look at the baby. When the baby looks at the headline, visitors look at the headline. 

So we can conclude that faces not only draw attention, but they also correlate with conversion.